There is one God who exists in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He made all things and created humans in His image for a relationship with Him.

However, the first humans (Adam and Eve) broke this relationship by disobeying God’s commands. Adam and Eve passed along a nature that rebels against God and His commands to every human being. Because of our rebellion, also known as sin, all humans stand under the judgment of God.

But God, out of His great love for sinful humans, sent Jesus Christ to restore that relationship. Jesus, who is God the Son, took on human flesh and was born of the Virgin Mary. He then lived a perfect life – the life every human should have lived. He taught God’s ways to the world and performed many miracles. Even though Jesus had done nothing wrong, he was arrested and died the most shameful and painful death possible because He was crucified on a cross.

That is not the end of the story, though. Three days later Jesus rose from the dead. He appeared to individuals and groups over a span of 40 days, teaching them God’s word and transforming His fearful followers into bold witnesses of his resurrection. Jesus then returned to heaven, promising to return in the future to eliminate all evil and bring about a perfect, new creation.

In the meantime, Jesus told His followers to proclaim this message throughout the world: those who believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior are forgiven of their sins and restored into a right relationship with God. This is because Jesus was meant to be our substitute, offering a great exchange – He takes the punishment that our rebelliousness and sin deserves and we receive the perfection He achieved in His life. When we place our faith not in ourselves but in Jesus and what He has done for us, turning from our sinful life to Christ, our relationship with God is restored now and forever. People who do this are called Christians.

With this restored relationship and hope for the future comes the gift of the Holy Spirit, who lives inside of Christians to transform their lives from ones of rebellion towards God to ones of obedience to the way that God, our Creator, intended for us to live.

With this restored relationship also comes a family, known as the Church – other Christians. This family of God helps us follow God, reminding us of the truth of the Christian faith as we gather together.

Do you want to follow Jesus?

Have you ever been baptized before?  Why not? When an individual makes a Profession of Faith the next step is for them to be baptized. Maybe you accepted Jesus many years ago and want to join our Church but for whatever reason are missing out on this important step in following Jesus. 

Do you want to learn more about baptism?

A person in a healthy relationship with Christ is surrounded by other Christians to help them grow in their faith. You shouldn't celebrate big life moments or mourn through hardships alone. Take the next step in your relationship with Jesus and join a small group

Would you like more information about our life groups?

You're becoming more and more like Jesus and we think that is awesome. Even Christ didn't come to be served, but to serve. From week to week it takes many faithful followers of Jesus to ensure our kids area is clean, safe, and a fun learning environment. 

You're never to young or old to serve. Let us know about your next step, and your desire to serve the local Church.

Donations come into the Church many different ways. If you don't know ask our pastor what the difference between a tithe and a offering is.

If you would like to support our Churches mission you can do this in a couple ways:

  1. On Sunday morning we pass a plate were we expect our Church members to support our Church financially.
  2. You can also give online with recurring gifts, or a one time donation.

Thank you for partnering with us in reaching our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Next Steps

We want to help you grow in your faith. What is the next step you need to take in your relationship with Jesus?